
Map your lab locations hierarchy into LabSuit

It's easy to find a compound in a new lab. However as the time goes on and new members join, the the number grows drastically. Therefore the accurate location assignment to each inventory item is essential.

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Create custom inventory types

No two labs are the same, therefore you can customize the substance type your research focuses on. You're not restrained to chemicals or antibodies - define your own types.

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Get inventory backups by email

We care about your data, therefore, you have backups by emails. When enabled, your inventory spreadsheet file would land into your inbox on weekly/monthly basis.

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Upload your existing inventory spreadsheet

Import the spreadsheet holding your existing inventory list and our team will import it for you in less than 24 hours

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Accommodate any type of data

Often, it's required to add a custom field to existing type (Antibody for example). This is done on the fly, while adding/editing inventory items. Important to note, the item can be found by the custom field values. How cool is that?

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Powerful search filters

Finding the right chemical fast is what your keeps experiment flowing. When you filter by location/sub-location, dice it by owner, or/and other dimension you pinpoint the right substance in a matter of seconds.

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Easy start for new lab

In a new lab all items are within a hand's reach. Don't get trapped by it! Soon the inventory will grow and it's better to implement the best practices from the begging.

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The labs with seniority benefit even more

If your lab has been running for years, it's still easy to get started! Our experts will compile your existing inventory spreadsheet and will make sure it's organized the way your lab is used to work. Also that is the great opportunity to introduce changes and take advantage of the best practices LabSuit accumulated over the years.

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Running an Organic Lab?